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San Juan

Stand Up Paddle + Snorkel

  • The Punta Negra dike is the main tourist spot near the city of San Juan. The possibility of entering the water from the boards and with the snorkel are unique, since its beaches are not enabled for bathing and swimming. The view from the middle of th...

3 hours
Free Cancellation
EUR 27.17 27.17 EUR
San Juan

Trekking Three Summits

  • You will have the possibility to chain 3 peaks that exceed 1200 meters above sea level, with impressive views of lakes, valleys and the highest peaks of the pre mountain range. Ideal for lovers of the challenges that are started in mountaineering or ...

7 hours
Free Cancellation
EUR 35.32 35.32 EUR
San Juan

Cerro de Sal Trekking

  • If we talk about rarities in our geography we can not miss the Quebrada de La Sal, with its slopes, stalactites and stalagmites of salt, Abandoned Mine, and a coast as a finishing touch to recover strength with a bite and mates in between....

5 hours
Free Cancellation
EUR 35.32 35.32 EUR
San Juan

Horseback riding day with picnic lunch

  • An excellent opportunity to enjoy our mountains, more authentic landscapes and in a unique way in San Juan. This ride is the perfect complement to see our history through the footprint of petroglyphs, old abandoned mine, old irrigation systems, and t...

7 hours
Free Cancellation
EUR 57.40 57.40 EUR
San Juan

Zonda Valley Horseback Riding

  • The ride takes us along the pedemonte directly towards Cerro Bola, named for its shape, it is an extinct volcano located on the Quebrada Huarpe, named just like that because it was the base and step of our first inhabitants, of which we can see its v...

3 hours
Free Cancellation
EUR 61.81 61.81 EUR
San Juan

Día completo Gran City Tour por San Juan

  • Envuelta en montañas, y caracterizada por un cielo que luce su pureza durante la mayor parte del año, la ciudad de San Juan, capital de la provincia homónima, se alza orgullosa en medio del rústico paisaje, ofreciéndose a los forasteros como el ...

12 hours
Free Cancellation
EUR 62.80 62.80 EUR
San Juan

Half day excursion South Wine Routes, San Juan

  • To the south of the province of San Juan is the Tulum Valley, one of the most important areas of the wine industry. With a dry and temperate climate and an altitude of 600 meters, a wide variety of wines are made; from table wines to fine and liqueur...

4 hours
Free Cancellation
EUR 62.80 62.80 EUR
San Juan

Excursión de día completo por Ischigualasto (Valle de la Luna), San Juan

  • El Valle de la Luna es una extraña formación arcillosa, con gran variedad de tonalidades, formas y desniveles con multifranjas de minerales y sedimentos, que permite espiar la evolución de la Tierra en el período Triásico. El Parque Provincial I...

12 hours
Free Cancellation
EUR 99.85 99.85 EUR
San Juan

Talampaya National Park from San Juan

  • If you are traveling through Argentina you cannot miss the visit to the Talampaya National Park, a unique destination and outside of the conventional itineraries, which surprises with its formations and unusual soil characteristics. The Talampaya Ca...

13 hours
Free Cancellation
EUR 154.76 154.76 EUR
San Juan

Trekking Arroyo Turquesa Cerro Mercedario

  • Podrás ver un fenómeno único en San Juan y quizás en Argentina, por encima de los 4000 metros de altura sobre el nivel del mar, acompañado de guías locales, las montañas más altas de la región, con sus arroyos y glaciares colgantes, disfruta...

48 hours
Free Cancellation
EUR 176.60 176.60 EUR
San Juan

Barreal Adventure

  • Barreal has one of the purest skies in the world! Its landscapes nestled in the Andes mountain range make it, in addition, an ideal place for practicing adventure sports as particular as Blokart or Carrovelismo. We invite you to live the experience o...

Free Cancellation
EUR 529.80 529.80 EUR
San Juan

Cabalgata Cruce de Los Andes Cruce Sanmartiniano

  • Expedition loaded with emotions without equal, so much for the magnitude of the landscapes, the rough weather, the work of the mules, guides and baqueanos, added to the historical stamp that is printed in each moment in each camp, where in a certain ...

EUR 1103.75 1103.75 EUR
San Juan

Immersion in the Cuyo region and the province of Catamarca

  • In this tour that crosses the provinces of San Juan, La Rioja and Catamarca, you will get to live history, archeology, nature, paleontology and adventure. You will enjoy the beauty of its national parks and natural reserves, its stories, myths and le...

EUR 3977.91 3977.91 EUR

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