Cities near to Senden
Distances between Senden and Important Cities in Germany
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select other_city_id as id, distance, keops.geoplaces_cities_distances.important_3 , en from keops.geoplaces_cities_distances, keops.geoplaces where city_id=497859823 and from_important=1 and keops.geoplaces_cities_distances.city_id=keops.geoplaces.id order by en ascArray ( )
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 497882396 [en] => Aachen [important_3] => 1 [asc_3] => 536 [asc_4] => 135374 [asc_5] => 137558 [distance] => 395.171708948936 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 497860096 [en] => Augsburg [important_3] => 1 [asc_3] => 536 [asc_4] => 135382 [asc_5] => 137540 [distance] => 61.504786651091 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 497885435 [en] => Berlin [important_3] => 1 [asc_3] => 536 [asc_4] => 135381 [asc_5] => 137526 [distance] => 532.175800928896 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 497884833 [en] => Bielefeld [important_3] => 1 [asc_3] => 536 [asc_4] => 135374 [asc_5] => 137522 [distance] => 426.631610001747 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 497884054 [en] => Bochum [important_3] => 1 [asc_3] => 536 [asc_4] => 135374 [asc_5] => 137517 [distance] => 406.630148543781 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 497882258 [en] => Bonn [important_3] => 1 [asc_3] => 536 [asc_4] => 135374 [asc_5] => 137515 [distance] => 342.646281083608 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 497884125 [en] => Bottrop [important_3] => 1 [asc_3] => 536 [asc_4] => 135374 [asc_5] => 137512 [distance] => 421.324116131867 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 497886019 [en] => Bremen [important_3] => 1 [asc_3] => 536 [asc_4] => 135379 [asc_5] => 137508 [distance] => 536.509280448038 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 497886561 [en] => Bremerhaven [important_3] => 1 [asc_3] => 536 [asc_4] => 135379 [asc_5] => 137507 [distance] => 590.659506980195 ) [9] => Array ( [id] => 497885135 [en] => Brunswick [important_3] => 1 [asc_3] => 536 [asc_4] => 135375 [asc_5] => 137510 [distance] => 440.356895072841 ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 497882670 [en] => Chemnitz [important_3] => 1 [asc_3] => 536 [asc_4] => 135371 [asc_5] => 137502 [distance] => 346.944522789673 ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 497882972 [en] => Cologne [important_3] => 1 [asc_3] => 536 [asc_4] => 135374 [asc_5] => 137380 [distance] => 367.391478465122 ) [12] => Array ( [id] => 497875879 [en] => Darmstadt [important_3] => 1 [asc_3] => 536 [asc_4] => 135377 [asc_5] => 137492 [distance] => 200.966376662523 ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 497884107 [en] => Dortmund [important_3] => 1 [asc_3] => 536 [asc_4] => 135374 [asc_5] => 137477 [distance] => 399.850166469216 ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 497883250 [en] => Dresden [important_3] => 1 [asc_3] => 536 [asc_4] => 135371 [asc_5] => 137476 [distance] => 402.668184215072 ) [15] => Array ( [id] => 497883967 [en] => Duisburg [important_3] => 1 [asc_3] => 536 [asc_4] => 135374 [asc_5] => 137475 [distance] => 419.227437894018 ) [16] => Array ( [id] => 497883634 [en] => Dusseldorf [important_3] => 1 [asc_3] => 536 [asc_4] => 135374 [asc_5] => 137473 [distance] => 400.577727859950 ) [17] => Array ( [id] => 497883100 [en] => Erfurt [important_3] => 1 [asc_3] => 536 [asc_4] => 135368 [asc_5] => 137461 [distance] => 304.968331358838 ) [18] => Array ( [id] => 497884026 [en] => Essen [important_3] => 1 [asc_3] => 536 [asc_4] => 135374 [asc_5] => 137458 [distance] => 413.088216867638 ) [19] => Array ( [id] => 497878130 [en] => Frankfurt [important_3] => 1 [asc_3] => 536 [asc_4] => 135377 [asc_5] => 137451 [distance] => 223.821696733180 ) [testArray] => test )