105 km St. Louis Regional Airport
106 km Keokuk Municipal Airport
117 km Spirit of St. Louis Airport
134 km St. Louis Downtown Airport
138 km Galesburg Municipal Airport
153 km Decatur Airport
167 km Kirksville Regional Airport
168 km Columbia Regional Airport
217 km Ottumwa Industrial Airport
227 km Iowa City Municipal Airport
237 km Clinton Municipal Airport
243 km Lee C. Fine Memorial Airport
247 km Southern Illinois Airport
258 km The Eastern Iowa Airport
266 km Vermilion County Airport
282 km Greater Kankakee Airport
290 km Joliet Regional Airport
299 km Dubuque Regional Airport
317 km Dupage Airport
325 km Purdue University Airport
328 km Evansville Regional Airport
330 km Ankeny Regional Airport
336 km Midway International Airport
337 km Barkley Regional Airport
345 km Kansas City Downtown Airport
352 km Monroe County Airport
353 km Palwaukee Municipal Airport
364 km Rosecrans Memorial Airport
4572 km Anchorage
967 km Arlington
863 km Atlanta
1242 km Austin
2537 km Bakersfield
1204 km Baltimore
1665 km Boston
1043 km Buffalo
2017 km Chandler
1001 km Charlotte
1296 km Chesapeake
344 km Chicago
2489 km Chula Vista
531 km Cincinnati
780 km Cleveland
1224 km Colorado Springs
654 km Columbus
945 km Dallas
699 km Detroit
1667 km El Paso
696 km Fort Wayne
988 km Fort Worth
2554 km Fresno
1221 km Glendale
1034 km Greensboro
2169 km Henderson
1817 km Hialeah
6605 km Honolulu
1187 km Houston
385 km Indianapolis
1324 km Jacksonville
1416 km Jersey City
1584 km Laredo
2182 km Las Vegas
567 km Lexington
526 km Lincoln
2532 km Long Beach
2514 km Los Angeles
456 km Louisville