Openedin 2006, theNelvaHotelcombinesmodern architecturewith the comfortand elegance.A luxurious4 star hotel inthe city ofMurciain a welcoming environmentin whichcare of everydetail.Located ina privileged areafive minutes fromMurcia's historic center, the Palace ofCongresses andExhibitions and thecommercial and financial areaof the city, this hotel isa perfectchoice for your visitto the cityfor eitherleisure orwork.
There are a totalof250 fully equipped rooms: airconditioning/ heating, wifi, phone, TV, music, minibar, safe, bathroom, bathrobeand slippers,etc..TheConvention CenterHotelNelva,hasits own independentaccessand a largecapacityroomsto host yourevent will bethe best option.It consists of10 roomsoflarge capacity,where you can enjoynatural light throughitswindowsgrandresand accessto the gardensand terrace of thehotel,in a spaceconviriéndoloversatile andflexible tosuit yourneeds.
Opened in 2006, the Nelva Hotel combines modern architecture with the comfort and elegance. A luxurious 4 star hotel in the city of Murcia in a welcoming environment in which care of every detail.
Guests may select their breakfast from an ample buffet; lunch and the evening meal may be taken à la carte whilst the midday meal may also be chosen from a menu. Individual-specific dishes can also be provided.