At the convenience of the Fijian hotel's guests, facilities and amenities are placed right at their fingertips by the staff in the hotel lobby, which operates a 24-hour reception. Here, guests' desires for a comfortable and untroubled stay, and the differing requirements of holiday, business or personal travel are catered to. The hotel offers 60 guest rooms and three versatile function rooms that cater to all event needs. It can house 150 guests, and up to 250 for cocktail receptions. There is a restaurant on the premises. Room and laundry services are also available. Small lobby.
The hotel is located in the heart of Suva, Fiji's capital city and home to the nation's businesses and diplomatic services. From this excellent location one can easily walk to Suva's corporate offices, shops, restaurants and markets.
The Zest restaurant and bar offers an à la carte breakfast menu flexible in choice and variety, from full to light breakfasts, or just for an espresso. Pacific Rim inspired cuisine will ensure a memorable dining experience at lunch and dinnertimes.