ب travelistica.ae.com: History of Kef History of Al Kaf City

History of Al Kaf City

The old town of Al-Kaf was known in the ancient times as Sicca and was built around 500 BC by Carthage for providing protection to the western areas of this newly emerging empire. The old town was known for its temple prostitutes who hung out at its sanctuary to the goddess Astarte, goddess of Love. The sanctuary was then dedicated to Venus during the Roman times, ant hence the town was known as Sicca Veneria.

Sicca Veneria was at the centre of the Mercenaries’ War (or “Truceless War”), when Carthage couldn't pay its mercenaries and a revolt was sparked by the unpaid mercenaries in the 3rd century BC. The revolt was then turned into a horrific four-year battle (inspiring Flaubert's novel Salammbo). During the Roman Empire, Le Kel was also the stronghold of the Numidian king Jugurtha during the time of his rebellion against Rome.

After that the Vandals came followed by the Byzantines and then the Arabs, who took over the town in AD 688 and named it Shakbanaria (a deformed name of Sicca Veneria). Rebellions were erupting against the central government in every opportu¬nity and until finally became autonomous after the Hilalian invasions of the 11th century. The Ottomans arrived in the 16th century who reformed the city by building its fortification, and then its controlling was handed to the Beni Cherif tribe. Ottomans The city prospered during the Ottoman era and this prosperity also continued under the beys started by Hussein ben Ali, who founded the Husseinite dynasty of Beys (1705-1957).
History of Kef

History of Kef

The old town of Al-Kaf was known in the ancient times as Sicca and was built around 500 BC by Carthage for providing protection to the western areas of this newly emergin... Read More

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